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monopldx: MAME ROM Information.


Monopoly Deluxe (c) 1995 JPM International.


Game's ROM.

MAME Info:

0.129u4 [Phil Bennett]


- 0.143u2: Changed description to 'Monopoly Deluxe (Jpm) (SYSTEM5 VIDEO)'. Added altrevs rom.

- 0.129u4: Phil Bennett added Monopoly Deluxe (JPM 1995).

- 1st February 2009: Phil Bennett - A British quiz game running on JPM System 5 with video expansion MK2 hardware. Answer questions correctly to buy properties, win cash or end up going round in circles because the game has decided it's not paying out. The actual machine has a monitor bezel resembling a Monopoly board which illuminates as you progress through the game. Without it, it's rather difficult to keep track of what's going on. Also, there's Monopoly Classic (which is played for points only) and Monopoly Deluxe.

Recommended Games:


Romset: 4096 kb / 8 files / 2.61 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="monopldx" sourcefile="jpmsys5.c">
              <description>Monopoly Deluxe (Jpm) (SYSTEM5 VIDEO)</description>
              <rom name="8439.bin" size="524288" crc="fbd6caa4" sha1="73e787ae41a0ce44d48a46dd623d5e1351335e3e" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="8440.bin" size="524288" crc="4e20aebf" sha1="79aca78f023e7f7ae7875c18c3a7696f5ab63102" region="maincpu" offset="1"/>
              <rom name="6879.bin" size="524288" crc="4fbd1222" sha1="9a9c9e4768c18a6a3e717605d3c88179676b6ad1" region="maincpu" offset="100000"/>
              <rom name="6880.bin" size="524288" crc="0370bf5f" sha1="a0ed1dbc6aeab02e8229f23f8ba4ff880d31e7a1" region="maincpu" offset="100001"/>
              <rom name="6881.bin" size="524288" crc="8418ee17" sha1="5666b90db00d9e88a37655bb9a714f076e2689d6" region="maincpu" offset="200000"/>
              <rom name="6882.bin" size="524288" crc="400f5fb4" sha1="80b1d3902fc9f6db24f49055b07bc31c0c74a993" region="maincpu" offset="200001"/>
              <rom name="8441.bin" size="524288" crc="d0825af4" sha1="a7291806893c42a115763e404337976b8c30e9e0" region="altrevs" offset="1"/>
              <rom name="modl-snd.bin" size="524288" crc="f761da41" sha1="a07d1b4cb7ce7a24b6fb84843543b95c3aec470f" region="upd7759" offset="0"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="68000" clock="8000000"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="upd7759" name="UPD7759" clock="640000"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="ym2413" name="YM2413" clock="4000000"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="508" height="254" refresh="57.784763" pixclock="10000000" htotal="676" hbend="80" hbstart="588" vtotal="256" vbend="0" vbstart="254" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="1" buttons="1" coins="4" service="yes">
                     <control type="lightgun" minimum="0" maximum="255" sensitivity="45" keydelta="15"/>
              <dipswitch name="Change state to enter test" tag="DSW" mask="1">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="1" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW" mask="2">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="2" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Alarm" tag="DSW" mask="4">
                     <dipvalue name="Discontinue alarm when jam is cleared" value="4" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Continue alarm until back door open" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW" mask="8">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="8" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW" mask="16">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="16" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW" mask="32">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="32" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Payout Percentage" tag="DSW" mask="192">
                     <dipvalue name="50%" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="45%" value="128"/>
                     <dipvalue name="40%" value="64"/>
                     <dipvalue name="30%" value="192"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unknown" tag="DIRECT" mask="8">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="8" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unknown" tag="DIRECT" mask="16">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="16" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unknown" tag="DIRECT" mask="32">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="32" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Reset" tag="DIRECT" mask="64">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="64" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unknown" tag="DIRECT" mask="128">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="128"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0" default="yes"/>
              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="16"/>

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