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mtlchamp: MAME ROM Information.


Martial Champion (c) 1993 Konami.

Knock-Out The Competitions! 10 typical fighters battle against each other in a tournament to win the belt of world Martial Champion.


Game ID : GX234

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 16 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)

Sound Chips : (2x) K054539 (@ 48 Khz)

Players : 4

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 3

=> High Attack, Mid Attack, Low Attack


Released in June 1993.

This game was former known as 'Yie Ar kung Fu 2', before it was released.

The character Jin is similar to the playable character of 'Ye Ar Kung Fu'.

The last boss, "Salamander", has the same name of the homonymous shoot'em up Konami

Martial Champion's sprites were some of the largest used in a fighting game up to that point (1993).


In all non-Japanese versions, Titi is known as Chaos and vice-versa.


Some of the selectable characters as Goldor, Avu, Titi (or Chaos in the Japanese version), Mahamba and Zen fighting with their weapons : if they fall to the ground during the fight (example, after a throw), they lose their weapon, and it can be collected by the opponent (by the way, few characters can use weapons to hit directly the opponent) : the lost weapon can be even recovered by his owner.

Beat all the game without lose a round to see specials ending with the showcase of all the characters


Planning Produced by Poyoyon Production.

Directed by : Heine Ken

Produced by : Kanon Pachelbel

Character Designed by : Heine Ken, Tetsuya Ake, Suruganokami Madaow, Hi-8

Production Designed by : Maguro

Sound Designed by : Kingoro

Music Designed by : Nakanotti, Deep Sleep Sugisawa

System Designed by : Shoot-VRF

Special Programmed by : Kodaman

Title Designed by : Hanatani

* CAST :

Jin : Jin Tihijou

Goldor : Tetsu Kanzaki

Racheal : Racheal Miyawaki

Zen : ???-????

Hoi : Uhoho

Chaos : Waddy

Mahambah : Kanbei

Avu : Takepon

Titi : Ishimaroto

Bobby : Baja

Salamander : Masahiro Inoue (Masa32)


* Consoles :

NEC PC-Engine Super CD-ROM [JP] (December 17, 1993) [Model KMCD3006]

Nintendo Wii [Virtual Console] [JP] (May 13, 2008)


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.102 [Stefan Lindberg]

0.77 [R. Belmont]

0.67 [Acho A. Tang, R. Belmont, Phil Stroffolino]


- mtlchamp and clones: There is a problem with the NVRAM in the RAM / ROM check after you change some settings in service mode. marco75 (ID 00759)


- 0.133u1: Renamed (mtlchmp1) to (mtlchamp1), (mtlchmpu) to (mtlchampu), (mtlchmpj) to (mtlchampj) and (mtlchmpa) to (mtlchampa).

- 0.102: Stefan Lindberg added Martial Champion (ver EAB). Renamed (mtlchamp) to (mtlchmp1).

- 0.98u2: Changed description to 'Martial Champion (ver EAA)' and clones '(US ver UAD)' to '(ver UAD)', '(Japan ver JAA)' to '(ver JAA)' and '(Asia ver AAA)' to '(ver AAA)'.

- 0.96u1: Gerald Coy added clone Martial Champion (Asia ver AAA).

- 0.79u1: Added clone Martial Champion (US ver UAD).

- 31st January 2004: R. Belmont added a new USA version of Martial Champion to the Mystic Warriors driver.

- 0.77: R. Belmont added Martial Champion (Europe ver EAA).

- 10th November 2003: R. Belmont added a European version of Martial Champion.

- 0.68: Changed gfx1/2 roms to flags 0x80.

- 6th April 2003: Acho A. Tang fixed the scrolling in Mystic Warriors and some other graphics glitches in Martial Champion.

- 0.67: Acho A. Tang added Martial Champion (Japan ver JAA) (Konami 1993).

- 5th April 2003: Acho A. Tang broke the protection in Martial Champion, it is now perfect except for the missing linescroll.

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Romset: 18561 kb / 17 files / 6.83 zip

MAME XML Output:

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