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propcycl: MAME ROM Information.


Prop Cycle (c) 1996 Namco.

A strange game where you control a pedal powered plane to pop as many balloons as you can within a time limit. Because of its unique gameplay, this game gives a totally different and nice gaming experience.


Namco Super System 22 hardware

Game ID : PR

Main CPU : 68EC020 (@ 24.576 Mhz), (2x) TMS32025 (@ 49.152 Mhz), M37710 (@ 16.384 Mhz)

Sound Chips : C352 (@ 16.384 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Horizontal

Video resolution : 640 x 480 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 32768

Players : 1

Control : Stick

Buttons : 1


Released in June 1996.

This game had you controlling the plane using an exercise bike and pedalling to keep yourself flying while steering with the handle bars. You could only play once or twice before you got exhausted! :). Also, the Prop Cycle cabinet featured a fan to simulate flight.


Executive Producer : Kazunori Sawano

Planning Director : Shigeki Tohyama

Music & Sound FX : Etsuo Ishii, Yoshie Takayanagi, Yoshie Arakawa, Nobuyoshi Sano, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Hiroto Sasaki

Mood Maker : Miwa Komatsu

CG. Technical Director : Dairo Watanabe

ID Designer : Hiroshi Shimane

Mechanical Advisor : Yasuhiko, Hideaki Yamamoto, Tohru Obara, Kitsu Sugawara

Chief System Constructor : Yasuhiro Babata, Masamichi Decimal, Takako Ohie

Flight Lecture : Wind Co Ltd.

Breezy Sports : Yumitsu Yamazaki

Sports Opa Kite : Toshiyuki Katsura

Windsports : Yuuichi Fujisawa, Toru


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.

MAME Info:

0.62 [Phil Stroffolino, Guru]


- To calibrate the steering hold down service (9) and tap test (F2). Exit with F2.


- 0.127u8: R. Belmont fixed Prop Cycle analog input roll over problem.

- 0.108u1: R. Belmont hooked up Prop Cycle fan and lamp to the new output system.

- 0.100u2: R. Belmont replaced old Prop Cycle input hacks with proper analog control. For best results, delete your propcycl.nv file and calibrate (same procedure as Cyber Cycles and Final Lap R) before playing.

- 0.99u7: Fixed sound1 rom address to ($800000).

- 0.86u4: R. Belmont added support for M37710 externally-pulsed timers, Prop Cycle uses this to read the pedals.

- 0.86u1: Phil Stroffolino added preliminary dynamic lighting for system22 (rarely actually used - see Prop Cycle turning score/time digits).

- 25th August 2004: R. Belmont - Got the M37710 talking to the 68020 in the Super System 22 games, so e.g. Prop Cycle now has music and sound effects. Now working out how the MCU reads the controls to eliminate more HLE hacks...

- 0.85u2: Added M37710 (16Mhz) CPU4 and C352 stereo sound. Changed region cpu4 to user4 and user2 to sound1.

- 0.81u8: Phil Stroffolino fixed Namco System 22 driver and TMS32025 CPU. The slave DSP's in-game graphics processing and "custom render devices" are currently simulated, which works only for Prop Cycle. Most self tests are working now in Prop Cycle and Ridge Racer. Added 2x TMS32025 (48MHz) CPUs and changed region cpu2 to cpu4.

- 0.75: Phil Stroffolino fixed display list processing (affects Prop Cycle ending). Changed description to 'Prop Cycle (Rev PR2 Ver.A)'.

- 0.71u2: Huge improvements in Prop Cycle [Phil Stroffolino]: Pulled out matrix3d to its own module. Near plane clipping. Perspective correct textures. Preliminary lighting (all or nothing). Gamma correction. Preliminary fader support. Per polygon and per object depth bias Sprite-polygon priority. Two-sided polygon flag. Tile flip attributes. Tilemap color bank. Improved steering responsiveness. Camera zoom and pan feature. Fixes to display list parsing. Corrected rotation mappings for System22/21. Changed description to 'Prop Cycle (Rev. PR2 Ver.A)'.

- 0.70u4: Added cpu2 rom (pr1data.8k - 512k SS22-BIOS ver1.41) and user2 roms ($0, 400000 - 4MB sound samples).

- 0.63: Added 8-way Joystick and 1 button.

- 7th December 2002: smf fixed the Prop Cycle inputs so that they can be re-mapped.

- 0.62: Phil Stroffolino added Prop Cycle (Namco 1996). TODO: Hook up real analog controls for steering yoke. Need new input port type for pedal. Map motor output (fan, blows air towards player when flying fast). Map lamp output (start button lights can light up). Sound (WAVE roms aren't dumped).

- 12th July 2003: Phil Stroffolino sent in a major improvement to the Namco Super System 22 driver, fixing a lot of the graphics in Prop Cycle.

- 11th June 2002: Guru - Finally dumped Prop Cycle and Phil Stroffolino presents an early WIP screenshot of it.

- 4th February 2002: Guru - A Prop Cycle (Namco 1996, Super System22) PCB arrived from Phil Stroffolino.


Other Emulators:

* Mjolnir

Recommended Games (Flying):

Sky Diver

Rip Cord


Midnight Landing

Top Landing

Landing Gear

Prop Cycle

Hang Pilot

Airline Pilots

Airline Pilots Deluxe

Landing High Japan

Romset: 40464 kb / 30 files / 15.6 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="propcycl" sourcefile="namcos22.c">
              <description>Prop Cycle (Rev. PR2 Ver.A)</description>
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