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rotd: MAME ROM Information.


Rage of the Dragons (c) 2002 Playmore Corp.

Rage of the Dragons is an original fighting game with 14 selectable fighters plus Abubo (sub-boss, hidden character) and Johann (final boss).


SNK Neo-Geo MVS hardware

Game ID : 0264

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM2610 (@ 8 Mhz)

Players : 2

Control : 8-way Joystick

Buttons : 4

=> [A] Weak punch, [B] Weak kick, [C] Strong punch, [D] Strong kick


Released in June 2002, Rage of the Dragons is the first fighting game developed by Evoga Entertainment. This game is a collaboration between Evoga (Mexico), Brezza Soft (Japan) and Noise Factory (Japan).

Evoga tried to make a new "Double Dragon" game and attempted to acquire the rights to "Double Dragon" from Technos Japan but they refused to sell. Without the proper rights to use the Double Dragon property, Evoga decided to do a game that pays homage to the Double Dragon series instead. For example, William 'Billy' Lewis, James 'Jimmy' Lewis and 'Abubo' are analogous to the characters Billy Lee, Jimmy Lee and Abobo from "Double Dragon". One funny thing about these Evoga characters is that they appear in Noise Factory's "Matrimeele", which is based on the Power Instinct series by Atlus.

Pupa Salgueiro & Cassandra Murata are the only characters in the game that have two super moves instead of just one. These being the Ultimate Quexada (for Pupa) and a ground version of the White Wave (for Cassandra).

Linda, the famous lady with the whip in the Double Dragon games makes an appearance as one of Abubo's girlfriends in his intro pose as well as in the second Abubo cutscene.

Alice Carroll's name seems curiously inspired in the famous children's book "Alice in Wonderland" and by the name of its author Lewis Carroll. Odd...

Jones features many funny references to Bruce Lee such as his outfit (Bruce Lee's famous outfit in the 'Game of Death' movie), a few of his moves & poses, and a suspicious quote in his ending! :)

The stage of Radel and Annie is a night club called 'Noise Factory' just as one of the 3 companies which worked on the game.

On the parking lot stage, there is a TV screen displaying credits for a movie. It contains Engrish text 'Special Sanks' instead of 'Special Thanks'.

Noise Factory released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Rage of the Dragons Original Arrange Album) on 13/09/2002.


* Play as Abubo : at the character select screen, press quickly Up(x4), Down(x3), Left(x2), Right. A little melody indicates that the cheat worked and Abubo should appear on center.

* The game encourages the use of team up attacks. In fact, by finishing each opponent with a team up attack will get you some nice grades & a respectable score! (perfect lifebars with this tip will get you a handsome SSS grade every time!!!) :)

* Jones' air version of his First Impact combo is broken against Alice since the last hit will always miss! Beware! :/

* Johann, the last boss in the game cannot be dizzied since he lacks a dizzy animation, this can be seen by performing a team up attack on him. This makes this already cheap boss even harder to defeat! :/

* After each battle, a rank is determined based on your fighting level. Here are the different levels and the bonus points awarded to the player if he reaches them :

SSS : 100,000 points

SS : 75,000 points

S : 50,000 points

A : 25,000 points

B : 10,000 points

C : 7,500 points

D : 5,000 points

E : 0 point


Producer : boss

Director : Angel Sword, Mamaro, Hidenari Mamoto

Sub. Director : Mr. Vo, Tetsu

Planners : Mr. Vo, EDU

Main programmer : Hidenari Mamoto

Sub. programmers : Kazuaki Ezato, Hirosi Hisikawa

Character designers : Super Dotter K', Mr. Vo, Mamero, Dessy, Nankin, Bel Mont, Hikaru Suf, Shio Shio Shio, Rinkenedu, Edu, Shuhey Kawasaki, Jaga Danshaku

Background designers : Miyukichi, Kuramoyan, Reiko Nagasima (as Reiko N), Fukkie, MR.Vo, Darb, Shin Ryu

Illustration : Ooma Bunshichiro

Sound producer : Studio Aqua

Testers : Bel Mont, Orochi, Shin Ryu, G. Miyazaki, Y. Takahasi, S. Adati, Y. Karu, Y. Sinihara


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.

MAME Info:

0.92 [Razoola]

0.63 [?]

Neo-Geo (Artwork available)


- 0.143u7: Changed description to 'Rage of the Dragons (NGM-264?)'.

- 0.143u1: Changed description to 'Rage of the Dragons (NGM-2640)'. Fixed rom names.

- 0.127u5: Removed 264-m1_decrypted.bin audio rom.

- 0.116u2: Added new cpu2 and user3 roms.

- 0.103u2: Changed visible area to 320x224.

- 0.92: Razoola added Rage of the Dragons (Evoga / Playmore 2002).

- 0.63: Added Rage of the Dragons (Testdriver).


Other Emulators:

* FB Alpha

* Kawaks

* Nebula

Recommended Games (Fighter):

Street Smart

Violence Fight

Solitary Fighter

Art of Fighting

Art of Fighting 2

Art of Fighting 3

Fit of Fighting

Burning Rival

World Heroes

World Heroes 2

World Heroes 2 Jet

World Heroes Perfect

The History of Martial Arts

Fighter's History

Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite

Martial Champion

Power Instinct / Gouketsuji Ichizoku

Power Instinct 2

Groove on Fight - Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3

Gogetsuji Legends

Tao Taido

Aggressors of Dark Kombat

Alien Challenge

Best Of Best

Kaiser Knuckle

Dragoon Might

Savage Reign


Breakers Revenge

Kizuna Encounter

SD Fighters

Touki Denshou -Angel Eyes-

JoJo's Venture

JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken: Miraie no Isan



Rage of the Dragons

Fist Of The North Star

Melty Blood Act Cadenza

Melty Blood Actress Again

Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf Achse

Romset: 90240 kb / 12 files / 70.8 zip

MAME XML Output:

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