skimaxx: MAME ROM Information. History:
Skimaxx (c) 1996 ICE (Innovative Concepts in Entertainment).
Water-ski simulator.
Machine's picture.
Game's ROM.
MAME Info:
0.131u1 [Phil Bennett]
- Original PCB running attract mode and a short game through an RGB board and into my PC. Smitdogg (ID 04084)
- 0.139u4: 68030 MMU now emulates translation cache; fixed misinterpreted MMU opcodes [R. Belmont].
- 0.135u1: Luca Elia and Phil Bennett fixed Skimaxx - Game now playable. Luca Elia added emulation of background graphics (blitter), sound and inputs to Skimaxx. Replaced the 2x 68020 with 68EC030. Added 4x OKI6295 (4/2/4/2 Mhz). Changed visible area to 640x240, VSync to 60Hz and region gfx to blitter. Fixed oki1/2/3/4 rom loading. Added dipswitches 'Time For Super Course' and 3x 'Unknown'.
- 0.131u1: Phil Bennett added Skimaxx (Kyle Hodgetts/ICE 1996).
- 13th September 2009: Luca Elia - Some WIP screenshots of the water-ski simulator Skimaxx. This game, manufactured by ICE in 1996, featured a dedicated cabinet with an hydraulic board to stand on. Yes... it's another Kyle Hodgetts special. For the emulation, I built upon the current driver by Phil Bennett, adding graphics, inputs and sound: the PCBs use 2 x 68EC030 @ 40MHz and a TMS34010 @ 50MHz, a CPU with dedicated instructions for pixel-level processing and graphics primitives. Since MAME lacks a proper 68030 core, the driver uses two 68020s instead. Not a big deal, since the '030 only adds the MMU (not present in the EC model anyway) and split data and instruction caches over the '020. The first 68k drives the game logic and builds up the display lists for the other CPUs. The TMS draws the text overlay, while the second 68k draws everything else with the help of a blitter. The blitter is an FPGA (programmed at boot by the 68k) that does rotation and zooming, but one line at a time. Thus it requires the CPU to do most of the work, including walking the high-color screen buffer pixel by pixel! The stereo sound is driven by 4 x M6295 (sample players) that output digitized music and speech. Thanks to Phil Bennett, R. Belmont and Mark Frisbie.
Recommended Games (Watersport):
River Patrol
The Bounty
Tropical Angel
Water Ski
Water Match
Aqua Jet
Wave Runner
Wave Shark
Sega Water Ski
Wave Runner GP
Soul Surfer
Romset: 16384 kb / 22 files / 2.91 zip
MAME XML Output:
| <game name="skimaxx" sourcefile="skimaxx.c"> |
| | <description>Skimaxx</description> |
| | <manufacturer>Kyle Hodgetts / ICE</manufacturer> |
| | <rom name="main2_0.ve2" size="524288" crc="0e139138" sha1="b28b0f5dba7810712cee99a9a9748ca2dabddf15" region="maincpu" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="main2_0.ve4" size="524288" crc="4e0502cf" sha1="451efd82656dd32e696f572d848b2717453f05c8" region="maincpu" offset="1"/> |
| | <rom name="main2_0.ve3" size="524288" crc="53887cfd" sha1="79d9547e0e9c4c41913279f977bf25cdbe800356" region="maincpu" offset="2"/> |
| | <rom name="main2_0.ve5" size="524288" crc="6317f54d" sha1="057141acd2a8a804d8cc0487d5cacc286c344866" region="maincpu" offset="3"/> |
| | <rom name="ve1v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="871e16d2" sha1="9318ebcff4032fffcbe53c8fb805b14578eaebac" region="subcpu" offset="3"/> |
| | <rom name="ve2v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="17b01a96" sha1="79ef3bd6a22abf774095741c29deeb6af53d1585" region="subcpu" offset="2"/> |
| | <rom name="ve3v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="c1491795" sha1="3a527ea4bf8cfdab072153b1cd66b0d090ef4d31" region="subcpu" offset="1"/> |
| | <rom name="ve4v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="950773bb" sha1="68e4a5780701488a934104eb87d10c36d736f049" region="subcpu" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="vc8v-2_0" size="524288" crc="a6e9ef81" sha1="59a0fb149e17d3773adb980428a0b107647bd4fa" region="tms" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="vc9v-2_0" size="524288" crc="b1e8ba65" sha1="b91cf93ecd9b6067664780ab2c1b69f632c7ae05" region="tms" offset="1"/> |
| | <rom name="vc10v2_0" size="524288" crc="433651cd" sha1="9b9801703d16adbbca2b03e1714490fb166d48a0" region="tmsgfx" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="vc11v2_0" size="524288" crc="a906fc72" sha1="c61ad560f203c7f507cc7b7dc8834f529a6501a7" region="tmsgfx" offset="1"/> |
| | <rom name="ve5v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="b95544a3" sha1="1ad49da54d36543229e241887c3dd8411ef5c89a" region="blitter" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="ve6v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="d98bf89a" sha1="f7fd66487f7696b53ee90a4cf45a810ec791df59" region="blitter" offset="1"/> |
| | <rom name="ve10v2_0" size="1048576" crc="c2a16a62" sha1="3663c19a6517b0a01fb454523b995be3cdf2e4b3" region="blitter" offset="200000"/> |
| | <rom name="ve9v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="587b364d" sha1="b53412bdcc804727990d959e5b2399a7e5e7fbf3" region="blitter" offset="200001"/> |
| | <rom name="ve7v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="a927716b" sha1="0189d7b08b65b6a8a8d4c3e2affe93612db38155" region="blitter" offset="400000"/> |
| | <rom name="ve8v-2_0" size="1048576" crc="ad8ed4a4" sha1="5d1339b3d6ce59fea062273fa2da35988ba94a80" region="blitter" offset="400001"/> |
| | <rom name="main2_0.u3" size="524288" crc="24d8c6ad" sha1="06f51a4c380c91c930d646826246f62c4e1f9cda" region="oki1" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="main2_0.u2" size="524288" crc="c84b3c46" sha1="b956358518495aa822a5b699cbad1abac212dd09" region="oki2" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="main2_0.u5" size="524288" crc="e2ba07ad" sha1="cf82753975f7b6756cca4e10b5372e00135440bf" region="oki3" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="main2_0.u4" size="524288" crc="c84b3c46" sha1="b956358518495aa822a5b699cbad1abac212dd09" region="oki4" offset="0"/> |
| | <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="68EC030" clock="40000000"/> |
| | <chip type="cpu" tag="subcpu" name="68EC030" clock="40000000"/> |
| | <chip type="cpu" tag="tms" name="TMS34010" clock="50000000"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="lspeaker" name="Speaker"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="rspeaker" name="Speaker"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="oki1" name="OKI6295" clock="4000000"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="oki2" name="OKI6295" clock="2000000"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="oki3" name="OKI6295" clock="4000000"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="oki4" name="OKI6295" clock="2000000"/> |
| | <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="640" height="240" refresh="60.000000" /> |
| | <input players="1" buttons="2" coins="2"> |
| | | <control type="stick" minimum="0" maximum="30" sensitivity="10" keydelta="1"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Unknown" tag="DSW" mask="7"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="12" value="5"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="17" value="4"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="25" value="3"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="33" value="2"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="50" value="1"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="100" value="7" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="200" value="6"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Free Play" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Unknown" tag="DSW" mask="8"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="0" value="8" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Unknown" tag="DSW" mask="112"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2" value="0"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="4" value="16"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="8" value="32"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="10" value="48"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="12" value="64"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="15" value="80"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="20" value="96"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="30" value="112" default="yes"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Time For Super Course" tag="DSW" mask="128"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="50 s" value="128" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="60 s" value="0"/> |
| | <driver status="imperfect" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="imperfect" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="32768"/> |