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startrkd: MAME ROM Information.


Star Trek 1981 (c) 1981 Unknown.


Main CPU : M6809 (@ 1 Mhz)

Sound CPU : M6808 (@ 894.75 Khz)

Sound Chips : DAC (@ 894.75 Khz)

Screen orientation : Horizontal

Video resolution : 294 x 239 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 16

Players : 2

Control : 2-way joystick (vertical)

Buttons : 5


This game is a bootleg of "Defender".


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.24 [Marc Lafontaine]

Artwork available


- The first time you run the game, it will say '01 0000 COINS LEFT'. To proceed, just hit F3.

- Press F2 for Test-Mode

- Press F1 + F2 for Bookkeeping/Setup


- 0.143u4: Changed description of clones 'Tornado (bootleg set 1)' to 'Tornado (set 1, Defender bootleg)', 'ornado (bootleg set 2)' to 'Tornado (set 2, Defender bootleg)', 'Zero (set 1)' to 'Zero (set 1, Defender bootleg)', 'Zero (set 2)' to 'Zero (set 2, Defender bootleg)', 'Defense Command' to 'Defense Command (Defender bootleg)' and 'Defence Command' to 'Defence Command (Defender bootleg)'.

- 0.133u1: Renamed (defendg) to (defenderg), (defendb) to (defenderb) and (defendw) to (defenderw).

- 0.126u5: Andy Welburn added clone Defender (White label).

- 0.126u4: Changed description of clone 'Defender (White label)' to 'Defender (Blue label)'. Renamed (defendw) to (defendb).

- 0.122u8: Changed description of clones 'Zero' to 'Zero (set 1)' and 'Defense Command (set 1)' to 'Defense Command'.

- 18th February 2007: Mr. Do - We have Defender artwork, thanks to the BYOAC group purchase. So as to no longer leave out our UK friends, there are now both US and UK options for Defender.

- 0.107u4: David Haywood added clone Zero (set 2).

- 31st July 2006: f205v dumped Zero (set 2).

- 0.95u3: Changed visible area to 294x239. Fixed cpu1 rom address to $16000. Changed description of clones 'Defender ? (bootleg)' to 'Defender (bootleg)', 'Tornado? (bootleg set 1)' to 'Tornado (bootleg set 1)', 'Tornado? (bootleg set 2)' to 'Tornado (bootleg set 2)' and 'Zero ?' to 'Zero'.

- 0.94u2: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added clone Star Trek (Defender bootleg).

- 0.92: Highwayman added proms ($0, 200 - video inversion for cocktail table).

- 0.86u3: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added Zero (bootleg of Defender).

- 0.84u6: Aaron Giles removed hacky cheat controls from Defender.

- 0.84: David Haywood added clones Tornado? (bootleg set 1) and (bootleg set 2).

- 0.76u2: Removed 6th button.

- 0.74u2: Added clone Defender ? (bootleg).

- 11th January 2003: Angelo Salese fixed the crash in Jeutel's Defender and cleaned up the decryption in it.

- 0.57: Removed 3rd coin slot.

- 24th August 2001: Highwayman submitted a clone of Defender called Defense.

- 1st August 2001: Raver dumped Tornado (bootleg set 1), Jeutel France - although the PCB has german on it!.

- 0.36RC1: Added clone Defender (White label).

- 0.36b8: Changed description of clone 'Defense Command' to 'Defense Command (set 1)'.

- 0.36b7: Added Testdriver: Defense Command (alternate) and Defender ? (Bootleg).

- 0.35b2: Nicola Salmoria added clone Defender (Green label). Changed parent description to 'Defender (Red label)' and M6809 CPU1 clock speed to 1MHz.

- 0.34b7: Nicola Salmoria added clone Defense Command (bootleg 1980).

- 0.34b6: David Winter added clone Defense Command (1980?). Added clones 'Defender ? (Bootleg)' (Testdriver) and Defense Command (Testdriver).

- 0.30: Maurizio Zanello added alternate controls in Defender and Stargate, to control the ship using the standard 8-way directional controls instead of up/down/reverse/thrust. Available only when the -cheat option is specified.

- 0.25: Valerio Verrando fixed the Williams driver to support joystick in Blaster, Defender, Joust, Robotron, Splat and Stargate. Control: Up key = Up, Dn key = Down, Lft key = Reverse, ALT = Thrust, CTRL = Fire, X = Smart bomb, C = Hyperspace, 1+2 = Goes into game setup menu and 2+3 = Diagnostic menu (only in attract mode). Known issues: The joystick controls are strange, but Defender had lots of buttons.

- 0.24: Added Defender (Williams 1980). The joystick controls are strange, but Defender had lots of buttons. Marc Lafontaine provided drivers for Robotron, Splat, Defender, Joust, Stargate, Bubbles, Blaster and Sinistar. Bubbles doesn't start, and Sinistar do weird things at startup. The other games work very well, though. For this version I provide a set of fonts that can be used to avoid jerkiness in williams games. If you use zipped roms remember to include them in the ZIP files. Game is playable with accurate colors and sound.

Other Emulators:

* HiVE


* Retrocade

Recommended Games (Defender):





Cosmic Avenger


The Percussor


4 Fun in 1 (Scramble)

Space Odyssey



A. D. 2083





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Fantasy Zone

Fantasy Zone (Mega-Tech)

Fantasy Zone 2

Alpha One

Back Fire

Thunder Cross

Thunder Cross II


Mega Blast

Air Buster

Arrow Flash (Mega-Tech)

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ThunderForce AC

Thunder Force II MD (Mega-Tech)

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E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force

Metal Black

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Blazing Star

Romset: 29 kb / 14 files / 22.5 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="startrkd" sourcefile="williams.c" cloneof="defender" romof="defender">
              <description>Star Trek (Defender bootleg)</description>
              <rom name="st_rom8.bin" size="4096" crc="5af871e3" sha1="f9a42619b37db2eb07d0302ac9d0ff5c1923c21d" region="maincpu" offset="d000"/>
              <rom name="st_rom9.bin" size="4096" crc="1126adc9" sha1="526cf1ca3a7eefd6115d74ac9af1a50774cc258e" region="maincpu" offset="e000"/>
              <rom name="st_rom10.bin" size="4096" crc="4097b46b" sha1="8f506dc59b129c9441d813062fc38747619678db" region="maincpu" offset="f000"/>
              <rom name="st_rom6.bin" size="2048" crc="93012991" sha1="9e06ed4a489b2ed063f83b708d3e7c6a02e45389" region="maincpu" offset="10000"/>
              <rom name="st_rom5.bin" size="2048" crc="c6f0c004" sha1="57c547b804ad3eceb33a9390bbffcfc0b63f16dd" region="maincpu" offset="10800"/>
              <rom name="st_rom4.bin" size="2048" crc="b48430bf" sha1="6572812f3a1e6eede3dff3273f16846799e79ed9" region="maincpu" offset="11000"/>
              <rom name="st_rom3.bin" size="2048" crc="d068f0c5" sha1="d32a4232756ca05972780cb35b0add12b31e8283" region="maincpu" offset="11800"/>
              <rom name="st_rom2.bin" size="2048" crc="fef4cb77" sha1="96202e97f3392bc043a252e78d1c42b51c38d269" region="maincpu" offset="12000"/>
              <rom name="st_rom1.bin" size="2048" crc="d23d6cdb" sha1="2ce9fe269598919f994339c8f8685d6a79e417d8" region="maincpu" offset="12800"/>
              <rom name="st_rom7.bin" size="2048" crc="43d42a1b" sha1="b13d59940646451c00b49bbe4a41b9e2df4d7758" region="maincpu" offset="16000"/>
              <rom name="defend.snd" merge="defend.snd" size="2048" crc="fefd5b48" sha1="ceb0d18483f0691978c604db94417e6941ad7ff2" region="soundcpu" offset="f800"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="M6809" clock="1000000"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="soundcpu" name="M6808" clock="3579545"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="wmsdac" name="DAC"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="294" height="238" refresh="60.096154" pixclock="8000000" htotal="512" hbend="10" hbstart="304" vtotal="260" vbend="7" vbstart="245" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="1" buttons="5" coins="3" tilt="yes">
                     <control type="joy" ways="vertical2"/>
              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="0"/>

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