toutrun: MAME ROM Information. History:
Turbo Out Run (c) 1989 Sega.
Turbo Out Run is the first arcade-based sequel to the legendary 1986 original. It eschews the forked-road, variable route gameplay of it's illustrious predecessor and instead opts for a set route point-to-point race across America. There are several new game-play additions, however, which help to differentiate 'Turbo Out Run' from the original.
Firstly, there's the 'Turbo' of the game's title; a turbo boost that greatly increases the car's speed when engaged. It must be used sparingly, however, as overuse will cause the engine to overheat, rendering the turbo useless until such time as the engine has cooled (as indicated by an on-screen 'Overheat' meter).
Weather conditions are another new feature, with both snow and rain having an adverse effect on driving conditions and car handling. Road surfaces also vary greatly in quality, with sand, oil, speed bumps, safety barriers, standing water and other debris all adding to the challenge.
The final new addition is the ability to upgrade the player's car. This is possible upon completion of every four of the game's sixteen stages. Available power-ups are an improved turbo boost, a more powerful engine, or better gripping tires.
Turbo Out-Run's sixteen stages are as follows:
* Stage 1: New York
* Stage 2: Washington D.C.
* Stage 3: Pittsburgh
* Stage 4: Indianapolis (1st car upgrade section)
* Stage 5: Chicago
* Stage 6: St. Louis
* Stage 7: Memphis
* Stage 8: Atlanta (2nd car upgrade section)
* Stage 9: Miami
* Stage 10: New Orleans
* Stage 11: San Antonio
* Stage 12: Dallas (3rd car upgrade section)
* Stage 13: Oklahoma City
* Stage 14: Denver
* Stage 15: Grand Canyon (Runs along Route 66)
* Stage 16: Los Angeles (End of game)
Game ID : 317-0118
Main CPU : (2x) 68000 (@ 12.5 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz), Sega (@ 4 Mhz)
Players : 1
Control : steering wheel
Buttons : 2
Released in February 1989 in Japan.
The catchy music that plays during the ''car upgrade'' section is the same music used in the upgrade section of Sega's "Hot Rod" game and also the shop section of their 1986 shoot-em-up, "Fantasy Zone". The catchy music was also remixed and used in the team select screen of Sega's "Dynamite Baseball '97".
Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Super Sonic Team : G.S.M. SEGA 3 - PCCB-00009) on 21/10/1989.
1. Out Run [Upright model] (1986)
1. Out Run [Sit-Down model] (1986)
1. Out Run [Deluxe Sit-Down model] (1986)
2. Out Run 3-D (1989, Sega Master System)
3. Battle Out Run (1989, Sega Master System)
4. Turbo Out Run (1989)
5. Out Run Europa (1991, Sega Game Gear)
6. Out Runners (1992)
7. Out Run 2019 (1993, Sega Mega Drive)
8. Out Run 2 (2003)
9. Out Run 2 SP - Special Tours (2004)
Music composed by : Yas Takagi
* Consoles :
Sega Mega Drive (1992)
* Computers :
FM Towns PC (1989)
Atari ST (1989)
Commodore C64 (1989)
Commodore Amiga (1989)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1989)
Amstrad CPC (1989)
PC [MS-DOS] (1990)
Commodore Amiga (1992, "Action Masters")
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
MAME Info:
0.137u4 [?]
0.125u6 [Frans van Egmond]
0.92 [?]
0.74u2 [Andrew Prime]
0.36b2 [Andrew Prime]
Artwork available
* Wanted: 317-0105/0106 FD1094 CPUs
* Wanted: 317-0117/0119 FD1089 CPUs
- All the screens but the ingame one, seem to "overlap" the ingame screen: you can see a little slice of it in the bottom. Kekule (ID 01167)
- 0.144u7: Verified and corrected the Sega Security CPU number (317-xxxx) for one of the two unknown Turbo Out Run sets [Brian Troha]. Changed description of clone 'Turbo Out Run (upright, FD1094 317-unknown)' to '(upright, FD1094 317-0107)'.
- 0.137u4: Andrew Jackson corrected dipswitches in the most recently added Turbo Out Run set, and reorganized the sets so that the parent is the FD1094 317-0118 set, the "newest" set based on both EPROM and security chip part numbers. Changed 'Turbo Out Run (cockpit, FD1094 317-0109)' to clone 'Turbo Out Run (deluxe cockpit, FD1094 317-0109)'. Renamed (toutrun2) to (toutrun3), (toutrun1) to (toutrun2), (toutrun) to (toutrun1) and (toutrunu) to (toutrun).
- 0.136: Tafoid fixed incorrect vsync speed to 60.054389 Hz in Turbo Out Run and clones.
- 0.135u4: Tafoid fixed incorrect master clock in Turbo Out Run and clones. Changed clock speeds of the 2x 68000 to 10MHz. Changed VSync to 47.709924 Hz.
- 0.129u6: Mr. Do added built-in layouts for Turbo Out Run.
- 27th December 2008: Mr. Do - Kiltron knocked a few bezels out this month including Cabaret bezel for Turbo Outrun.
- 0.125u6: Frans van Egmond added Turbo Out Run (cockpit, FD1094 317-0109). Renamed (toutrun) to (toutrunu).
- 0.111u6: Changed description of clone 'Turbo Out Run (FD1094 317-unknown)' to 'Turbo Out Run (cockpit, FD1094 317-unknown)'.
- 16th October 2006: Mr. Do - Zorg had previously scanned the bezel decals for Turbo Outrun.
- 0.104u8: Aaron Giles fixed reset bug in Turbo Out Run.
- 0.94u2: Changed 68000 CPU1/2 clock speeds to 12.5MHz.
- 0.92: Renamed (toutrun) to (toutrun1), (toutrunk) to (toutrun) and (toutruna) to (toutrun2).
- 0.90u3: Changed description to 'Turbo Out Run (set 1, FD1094 317-unknown)' and clones '(set 2, upright, 317-unknown)' to '(set 2, upright, FD1094 317-unknown)' and '(set 3, upgrade kit, 317-0118)' to '(set 3, upgrade kit, FD1094 317-0118)'.
- 0.90u1: Aaron Giles fixed the road in Turbo Out Run. Changed clock speed of the 2x 68000 CPUs to 10MHz and palettesize to 12288 colors. Fixed cpu2/3 and gfx2 rom loading.
- 0.89: smf hooked up Nitro button in Turbo Outrun - Game now playable. DeadScreem fixed rom names. Changed description of clone '(set3, upgrade kit, 317-0118)' to '(set 3, upgrade kit, 317-0118)'.
- 0.88u5: Added clone Turbo Out Run (set3, upgrade kit, 317-0118). Fixed gfx2/sound1 rom loading. Changed description of clone '(set 2)' to '(set 2, upright, 317-unknown)' and added 317-unknown.key.
- 15th November 2004: Charles MacDonald - Decrypted another version of Turbo Outrun, the previous one was the Outrun upgrade kit, this seems to be a dedicated upright set.
- 12th November 2004: Charles MacDonald - Dumped 'Turbo Out Run' FD1094 CPU. Bit of progress on that (its still very glitchy tho).
- 0.84u5: Replaced Stick controller with Paddle.
- 0.82u2: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Turbo Out Run'.
- 0.74u2: Added Turbo Outrun (set 1) (Sega 1989) and clone (set 2).
- 0.36b2: Andrew Prime added Turbo Outrun (set 1) (Testdriver) and clone (set 2).
Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
Recommended Games (Racing 3D):
Datsun 280 Zzzap
Night Driver
Speed Freak
Change Lanes
Konami GT
Out Run
Out Run (Mega-Tech)
Turbo Out Run
Turbo Outrun (Mega-Tech)
Out Run 2
Out Run 2 Special Tours
Rad Racer
Rad Racer II
Top Speed
Hard Drivin'
Race Drivin'
Hard Drivin's Airborne
Street Drivin'
Big Run
Cisco Heat
Rad Mobile
Rad Rally
Ridge Racer
Ridge Racer 2
Ridge Racer V Arcade Battle
Cruis'n USA
Cruis'n World
Cruis'n Exotica
Dangerous Curves
Dirt Dash
Midnight Run
Rave Racer
Sega Rally Championship
Sega Rally 2
Sega Rally 2 DX
Wheels & Fire
GTI Club
GTI Club 2
Pocket Racer
San Francisco Rush
San Francisco Rush: The Rock
San Francisco Rush 2049
Scud Race
Side By Side
Side By Side 2
Speed Up
Winding Heat
Over Rev
Roads Edge / Round Trip
California Speed
Thrill Drive
Thrill Drive 2
Battle Gear
Battle Gear 2
California Chase
18 Wheeler Deluxe
Initial D Arcade Stage
King of Route 66
Faster Than Speed
Romset: 2376 kb / 31 files / 1.06 zip
MAME XML Output:
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| | <description>Turbo Out Run (Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0118)</description> |
| | <manufacturer>Sega</manufacturer> |
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| | <rom name="epr-12300.88" size="65536" crc="e8ff7011" sha1="6eaf3aea507007ea31d507ed7825d905f4b8e7ab" region="soundcpu" offset="0"/> |
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| | <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="68000" clock="10000000"/> |
| | <chip type="cpu" tag="sub" name="68000" clock="10000000"/> |
| | <chip type="cpu" tag="soundcpu" name="Z80" clock="4000000"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="lspeaker" name="Speaker"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="rspeaker" name="Speaker"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="ymsnd" name="YM2151" clock="4000000"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="pcm" name="Sega PCM" clock="4000000"/> |
| | <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="320" height="224" refresh="60.054389" pixclock="6293700" htotal="400" hbend="0" hbstart="320" vtotal="262" vbend="0" vbstart="224" /> |
| | <input players="1" buttons="2" coins="2" service="yes"> |
| | | <control type="paddle" minimum="32" maximum="224" sensitivity="100" keydelta="4"/> |
| | | <control type="pedal" minimum="0" maximum="255" sensitivity="100" keydelta="40"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Coin A" tag="COINAGE" mask="15"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="7"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="8"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="9"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" value="5"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" value="4"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="15" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" value="3"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" value="2"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" value="1"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/3 Credits" value="6"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="14"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="13"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/4 Credits" value="12"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/5 Credits" value="11"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/6 Credits" value="10"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Coin B" tag="COINAGE" mask="240"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="112"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="128"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="144"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" value="80"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" value="64"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="240" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" value="48"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" value="32"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" value="16"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/3 Credits" value="96"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="224"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="208"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/4 Credits" value="192"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/5 Credits" value="176"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/6 Credits" value="160"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Free Play (if Coin A too) or 1/1" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Cabinet" tag="DSW" mask="3"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Moving" value="3"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Cockpit Conversion" value="2"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Mini Up" value="1" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Cockpit" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Demo Sounds" tag="DSW" mask="4"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Off" value="4"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="On" value="0" default="yes"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Turbo" tag="DSW" mask="8"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Use Start Button" value="0"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Use Turbo Shifter" value="8" default="yes"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Credits" tag="DSW" mask="48"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="3 to Start/2 to Continue" value="32"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 to Start/1 to Continue" value="48"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 to Start/1 to Continue" value="16" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 to Start/2 to Continue" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Difficulty" tag="DSW" mask="192"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Easy" value="128"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Normal" value="192" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Hard" value="64"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Hardest" value="0"/> |
| | <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="12288"/> |