trisport: MAME ROM Information. History:
Tri-Sports (c) 1989 Bally Midway.
Bally Midway MCR 68k hardware
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 7.7238 Mhz)
Sound CPU : M6809 (@ 2 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.57958 Mhz), DAC (@ 3.57958 Mhz), HC55516 (@ 3.57958 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 480 x 512 pixels
Screen refresh : 30.00 Hz
Palette colors : 64
Players : 1
Control : trackball
Buttons : 2
Design & Video Art : John Newcomer (JRN)
Design & Software : Bill Adams (BA)
Hardware : Cary Mednick, Glenn Shipp
Sounds & Music : Robin Seaver, Jon Hey
Graphics : Doug Watson
Cabinet : Ray Czajka, Greg Tastad
Assembly: Our Gurnee Plant
Support : Alan Lasko, Vince Massei, Soumya Netrabile, George Petro, Ben Rodriguez, Karen Trybula
Special Thanks : Steve, Ron, Laura, Ken, Wally, Juan, Deanna, Dawn, Joe, Neal, Kathy, Gene
Game's rom.
Machine's picture.
MAME Info:
0.36b6 [Aaron Giles]
- Select between three games: Pool Shark, Power Strike and Mini-Golf Deluxe.
- Hits temporary breakpoint with "-debug". Firewave (ID 03351)
- Cabinet screen shots for reference. Smitdogg (ID 03007)
- 0.145u7: Added 'Williams CVSD Sound Board' sound.
- 0.122u6: Changed M6809E CPU2 clock speed to 8MHz.
- 0.122u4: Replaced M6809 CPU2 with M6809E. Changed YM2151 clock speed to 3579545 Hz.
- 0.106u13: MASH added plds ($c00, d00 - pls153a.f14 and pls153a.f15) to Tri-Sports.
- 0.101u1: Removed 2nd sound channel.
- 0.62: Removed Custom sound.
- 18th June 2002: HobbesAtPlay submitted a patch to add saving the NVRAM in Tri-Sports.
- 0.36b16: Added Custom sound.
- 0.36b9: Changed M6809 CPU2 clock speed to 2MHz.
- 0.36b7: Rewritten the HC55516 CVSD decoder [Aaron Giles]. This affects Sinistar, Joust 2, Arch Rivals, Pigskin, Tri-Sports, Smash TV, Trog and Narc.
- 0.36b6: Aaron Giles added Tri-Sports (Bally Midway 1989).
- 23rd September 1999: Aaron Giles sent in an MCR update with support for Power Drive, Turbo Tag, Spy Hunter 2, Blasted, Arch Rivals, Tri-Sports and Pigskin 621AD and also tons of cleanup.
Recommended Games (Billiard):
Video Hustler
Video Eight Ball
Eight Ball Action
Gimme A Break
Rack + Roll
Side Pocket
Parlour Games (Mega-Tech) (Billiards)
Perfect Billiard
Pocket Gal
Pocket Gal Deluxe
Rack 'em Up
Tri-Sports (Pool Shark)
Slick Shot
Cool Pool
9-Ball Shootout
Poke Champ
Target Ball
Gals Hustler
Billiard Academy Real Break
Shootout Pool
Shootout Pool Prize
Shootout Pool Medal
Recommended Games (Bowling):
Meadows Lanes
Robot Bowl
3-D Bowling
Bowling Alley
Strike Bowling
Pro Bowling (DECO Cassette)
Pro Sports - Bowling, Tennis, and Golf
Ten Pin Deluxe
Alley Master
Up Your Alley
Capcom Bowling
SportTime Bowling (Arcadia)
Championship Bowling
Tri-Sports (Power Strike)
Dyno Bop
League Bowling
Strata Bowling
Super Strike Bowling
Konkyuu no Hoshi
Krazy Bowl
World Class Bowling
World Class Bowling Deluxe
Virtua Bowling
Puzzle De Bowling
Simpsons Bowling
Recommended Games (Golf):
18 Holes Pro Golf
Pro Sports - Bowling, Tennis, and Golf
Tournament Pro Golf (DECO Cassette)
Birdie King
Birdie King 2
Birdie King 3
Crowns Golf
Crowns Golf in Hawaii
Super Crown Golf
Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version)
Golf (PlayChoice-10)
Big Event Golf
Competition Golf Final Round
Tee'd Off
Great Golf (Mega-Tech)
Birdie Try
Country Club
Fighting Golf
Leader Board (Arcadia)
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (Mega-Tech)
Super Masters Golf
U.S. Classic
Golden Tee Golf
Golden Tee Golf II
Golden Par Golf
Golden Tee 3D Golf
Golden Tee '97
Golden Tee '98
Golden Tee '99
Golden Tee 2K
Golden Tee Classic
Major Title
Major Title 2
Top Player's Golf
Dynamic Country Club
Dynamic Golf / Virtua Golf
Golfing Greats
Mario's Open Golf (PlayChoice-10)
Skins Game (Nintendo Super System)
Eagle Shot Golf
Konami's Open Golf Championship
Super Eagle Shot
Pebble Beach - The Great Shot
Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf
Country Club Classic
Atari Mini Golf
Mini Golf
Tri-Sports (Minigolf Deluxe)
Romset: 1057 kb / 15 files / 361.8 zip
MAME XML Output:
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| | <description>Tri-Sports</description> |
| | <manufacturer>Bally Midway</manufacturer> |
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| | <rom name="pal16r6a.e11" size="260" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="1200"/> |
| | <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="68000" clock="7723800"/> |
| | <chip type="cpu" tag="cvsd:cpu" name="M6809E" clock="8000000"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="cvsd" name="Williams CVSD Sound Board"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="cvsd:ym2151" name="YM2151" clock="3579545"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="cvsd:dac" name="DAC"/> |
| | <chip type="audio" tag="cvsd:cvsd" name="HC-55516"/> |
| | <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="270" width="512" height="480" refresh="30.000000" /> |
| | <input players="1" buttons="2" coins="2" tilt="yes"> |
| | | <control type="trackball" minimum="0" maximum="255" sensitivity="100" keydelta="20" reverse="yes"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Service Mode" tag="IN0" mask="32"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Off" value="32" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Coinage" tag="DSW" mask="7"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="2"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="3"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="6"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="7" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="5"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="4"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Free Play" value="1"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Battery Options" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Pool Turns" tag="DSW" mask="24"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="5" value="16"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="6" value="8"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="7" value="24" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="8" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Bowling Difficulty" tag="DSW" mask="32"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Standard" value="32" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Advanced" value="0"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Shot Timer" tag="DSW" mask="64"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Slower" value="0"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="Standard" value="64" default="yes"/> |
| | <dipswitch name="Golf Holes" tag="DSW" mask="128"> |
| | | <dipvalue name="3" value="128" default="yes"/> |
| | | <dipvalue name="4" value="0"/> |
| | <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="64"/> |