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windheat: MAME ROM Information.


Winding Heat (c) 1996 Konami.



Main CPU : PPC403 (@ 32 Mhz), 68000 (@ 16 Mhz), ADSP21062 (@ 36 Mhz)

Sound Chips : (2x) K054539 (@ 48 Khz)

Players : 2

Control : 8-way Joystick

Buttons : 3


Released in July 1996 in Japan.

Soundtrack releases :

GTI Club c/w Jet Wave & Winding Heat Original Game Soundtrack [King Records - KICA-7751 - Feb 5, 1997]


* Unlock the Time Attack mode : When choosing a course, press the brake.

* Extra Cars : Select your course with the accelerator and don't release the pedal. At the car select screen, shift "UP" on the gearshift, you'll drop down to another set of 3 cars. DOWN on the gearshift will return you to the regular cars (UP as in gear-up, and not physically up, but don't worry, if you shift the wrong way nothing will happen).


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.126u2 [Highwayman]

0.86 [Ville Linde]


- 0.137: Fixed shared roms loading.

- 0.135u2: smf reversed steering wheel input on Winding Heat, the USA cabinets are however hooked up the other way.

- 15th August 2009: Guru - Dumping a new revision of Winding Heat.

- 0.133u2: Guru added clone Winding Heat (JAA, JPN v2.11).

- 0.133u1: Renamed (windheau) to (windheatu).

- 0.126u2: Highwayman added Winding Heat (EAA, Euro v2.11). Changed 'Winding Heat' to clone 'Winding Heat (UBC, USA v2.22)'. Renamed (windheat) to (windheau).

- 0.125u7: Aaron Giles fixed game freeze in Winding Heat.

- 0.115u3: Ville Linde fixed tilemap colors in the Konami ZR107 driver.

- 0.114u3: Ville Linde fixed Winding Heat - Game now playable. Konami ZR107 update [Ville Linde]: Fixed sound hardware check in Winding Heat. Changed to use the correct tilemap chip type. Hooked up analog controls. Fixed texture rom loading and texture decoding. Improved the 2D tilemaps. Fixed gfx1/2 rom loading. Added dipswitches 'Network ID', 'Transmission Type' and 'CG Board Type'.

- 22nd April 2007: Ville Linde - The Konami ZR107 driver was the last PowerPC/SHARC driver not working at all. After a big driver overhaul, Midnight Run and Winding Heat are now playable with varying degrees of graphics problems.

- 0.99u2: Ville Linde reworked the SHARC internal ram implementation so that multiple instances of the core work and added data address space. Updated Konami zr107, gticlub, nwk-tr and hornet to work with the SHARC changes.

- 0.97u1: Progress on the Konami PowerPC drivers [Ville Linde]. Cleaned up and consolidated common hardware. Hooked up ADSP-21062 and 3dfx chips. Initial NVRAM values plugged in for many games (they're used as a crude protection, similar to the EEPROM on GV System). No games are playable or even show much yet, but nearly all of them do pass POST now. Added ADSP21062 (36MHz) CPU3. Added dipswitches 'DIP0-DIP3'.

- 0.86: Ville Linde added Winding Heat (Konami 1996) and various other Konami PPC based games: GTI Club, Gradius 4, Silent Scope, Silent Scope 2, Racing Jam, Racing Jam: Chapter 2, Thrill Drive and Midnight Run. These are to demonstrate the PPC core in action, they contain only very preliminary emulation and do nothing more than display the initial test screens.

- 10th July 2003: Guru - Arrived and dumped Winding Heat (Konami 1996, PPC hardware). Thanks to Andrew Slorach for the loan of the PCB.

Recommended Games (Racing 3D):

Datsun 280 Zzzap

Night Driver

Speed Freak

Change Lanes

Konami GT

Out Run

Out Run (Mega-Tech)

Turbo Out Run

Turbo Outrun (Mega-Tech)


Out Run 2

Out Run 2 Special Tours

Rad Racer

Rad Racer II

Top Speed

Hard Drivin'

Race Drivin'

Hard Drivin's Airborne

Street Drivin'

Big Run

Cisco Heat

Rad Mobile

Rad Rally

Ridge Racer

Ridge Racer 2

Ridge Racer V Arcade Battle

Cruis'n USA

Cruis'n World

Cruis'n Exotica

Dangerous Curves

Dirt Dash

Midnight Run

Rave Racer

Sega Rally Championship

Sega Rally 2

Sega Rally 2 DX

Wheels & Fire

GTI Club

GTI Club 2

Pocket Racer

San Francisco Rush

San Francisco Rush: The Rock

San Francisco Rush 2049

Scud Race

Side By Side

Side By Side 2

Speed Up

Winding Heat

Over Rev

Roads Edge / Round Trip

California Speed

Thrill Drive

Thrill Drive 2

Battle Gear

Battle Gear 2

California Chase

18 Wheeler Deluxe

Initial D Arcade Stage

King of Route 66

Faster Than Speed

Romset: 17536 kb / 14 files / 8.58 zip

MAME XML Output:

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