xfiles: MAME ROM Information. History:
X-Files (c) 1999 dgPIX Entertainment.
Main CPU : E1-32XT (@ 20 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 32768
Players : 2
Control : 8-way Joystick
Buttons : 2
Game's rom.
MAME Info:
0.74u2 [Guru]
0.72u2 [Guru]
- Contrary to what you might think on first hearing the title, this game is like Match It II etc. However, the quality of the graphics is outstanding, perhaps the most high quality seen in this "type" of game. At the end of the level, you are presented with a babe, where you can use the joystick and buttons to scroll up and down and zoom in for erm... A closer inspection of the 'merchandise'.
- 0.121u1: Aaron Giles optimized the hyperstone core, gaining ~50% speed improvement in most games. Implemented clock prescaling and corrected interrupt priority handling. Then fixed the clock speeds on the most of the games and killed most of the speed gains in quite a number of them (Sorry!). Changed E1-32X CPU1 clock speed to 80MHz.
- 0.105u2: Changed E1-32XT CPU1 clock speed to 20MHz.
- 0.103u3: Pierpaolo Prazzoli fixed X-Files - Game now playable. Changed region user2 to user1 and sound1 rom to cpu2. Added new user1 rom ($1c00000).
- 0.92u1: Tomasz Slanina improved the video emulation in X-Files.
- 0.92: Changed E1-32XT CPU1 clock speed to 42954540 Hz. Added dipswitches 'Test Mode' and '0-06' to '0-1f'. Changed region gfx1 to user2 and added missing user2 rom ($400000).
- 6th February 2005: Tomasz Slanina - Patched X-Files protection check. Game is VERY slow.
- 1st January 2005: Tomasz Slanina - Fixed nasty bug in hyperstone core and made few changes to dgPix driver - X-files (or rather 'xxx-files') partially works, but it is not playable.
- 0.88u4: Replaced E1-32XS CPU with E1-32XT.
- 0.87u3: Tomasz Slanina improved the (se)xfiles driver, now shows some startup screens. Changed E1-32XS CPU1 clock speed to 100MHz and visible area to 320x240.
- 0.87: Changed E1-32XS CPU1 clock speed to 500MHz.
- 0.76u2: Changed region cpu1 to user1.
- 0.74u2: Added X-Files (dgPIX 1999).
- 0.72u2: Added X-Files (Testdriver). Preliminary Hyperstone Core, not yet working well enough to run anything [Pierpaolo Prazzoli].
- 2nd January 2003: Guru - Dumped X Files (dgPIX Entertainment Inc. 1999).
Recommended Games (Shanghai 2):
Match It
Match It II
Black Touch (Korea)
Miss Puzzle
Puzzle Game Rong Rong
Double Point
One + Two
Cross Pang
Janpai Puzzle Choukou
Romset: 12288 kb / 3 files / 9.04 zip
MAME XML Output:
| <game name="xfiles" sourcefile="dgpix.c"> |
| | <description>X-Files</description> |
| | <manufacturer>dgPIX Entertainment Inc.</manufacturer> |
| | <rom name="u8.bin" size="4194304" crc="3b2c2bc1" sha1="1c07fb5bd8a8c9b5fb169e6400fef845f3aee7aa" region="user1" offset="1800000"/> |
| | <rom name="u9.bin" size="4194304" crc="6ecdd1eb" sha1="e26c9711e589865cc75ec693d382758fa52528b8" region="user1" offset="1c00000"/> |
| | <rom name="u10.bin" size="4194304" crc="f2ef1eb9" sha1="d033d140fce6716d7d78509aa5387829f0a1404c" region="cpu1" offset="0"/> |
| | <rom name="xfiles_pic" size="4096" status="nodump" region="cpu2" offset="0"/> |
| | <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="E1-32XT" clock="80000000"/> |
| | <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="320" height="240" refresh="60.000000" /> |
| | <input players="2" buttons="2" coins="2" service="yes"> |
| | | <control type="joy" ways="8"/> |
| | <driver status="preliminary" emulation="good" color="good" sound="preliminary" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="32768"/> |