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Publisher: GT Interactive Software

View all games published by GT Interactive Software.

Published games between 1995 and 2000.

View games published on Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo Game Boy Color, Nintendo N64, Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation


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Most viewed GT Interactive Software games:
 Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1997) (Sega Saturn)
 Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (1998) (Sony Playstation)
 Duke Nukem 64 (1997) (Nintendo N64)
 Hexen (1997) (Nintendo N64)
 Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (1997) (Sony Playstation)
 Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (1999) (Nintendo N64)
 Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (1998) (Sony Playstation)
 Mike Piazza's StrikeZone (1998) (Nintendo N64)
 Driver (1999) (Sony Playstation)
 Duke Nukem (1999) (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
 Lode Runner 3D (1999) (Nintendo N64)
 40 Winks (1999) (Nintendo N64)
 40 Winks (1999) (Sony Playstation)
 Critical Depth (1997) (Sony Playstation)
 Hexen (1996) (Sega Saturn)
 Hexen: Beyond Heretic (1997) (Sony Playstation)
 Oddworld: Adventures 2 (2000) (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
 Doom (1997) (Sega Saturn)
 Oddworld Adventures (1998) (Nintendo Game Boy)
 DBZ: Dead Ball Zone (1998) (Sony Playstation)
 Courier Crisis (1997) (Sony Playstation)

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