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Publisher: Krisalis Software

View all games published by Krisalis Software.

Published games between 1990 and 1995.

View games published on Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Commodore Amiga CD32, Panasonic 3DO, Sinclair ZX Spectrum


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Most viewed Krisalis Software games:
 Soccer Kid (1994) (Commodore Amiga CD32)
 Soccer Kid (1994) (Panasonic 3DO)
 Soccer Kid (1994) (Commodore Amiga)
 John Barnes' European Football (1994) (Commodore Amiga CD32)
 Sabre Team (1994) (Commodore Amiga CD32)
 John Barnes' European Football (1992) (Atari ST)
 Arabian Nights (1993) (Commodore Amiga CD32)
 Arabian Nights (1993) (Commodore Amiga)
 Hill Street Blues (1991) (Atari ST)
 Sabre Team (1992) (Atari ST)
 Manchester United Europe (1991) (Commodore Amiga)
 Manchester United Europe (1991) (Commodore 64)
 Rogue Trooper (1991) (Atari ST)
 John Barnes' European Football (1992) (Commodore Amiga)
 Manchester United Europe (1991) (Atari ST)
 Manchester United (1990) (Atari ST)
 Rogue Trooper (1991) (Commodore Amiga)
 Manchester United (1990) (Commodore 64)
 Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash (1991) (Atari ST)
 Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash (1991) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 Fly Harder (1994) (Commodore Amiga CD32)

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