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Publisher: Melbourne House

View all games published by Melbourne House.

Published games between 1982 and 1990.

View games published on Acorn BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Dragon 32-64, MSX, MSX 2, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Tandy TRS-80


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Most viewed Melbourne House games:
 Barbarian (1988) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 The Shadows of Mordor (1987) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 Super Pac-Man (1988) (Commodore 64)
 Hungry Horace (1982) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 Barbarian (1988) (Amstrad CPC)
 Double Dragon (1988) (Commodore Amiga)
 Double Dragon (1988) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 The Hobbit (1983) (Commodore 64)
 Penetrator (1982) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 Hungry Horace (1983) (Dragon 32-64)
 Hungry Horace (1983) (Commodore 64)
 Xenon (1988) (Commodore Amiga)
 Penetrator (1984) (Commodore 64)
 Sir Lancelot (1984) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 Gyroscope (1985) (Acorn Electron)
 Asterix and the Magic Cauldron (1986) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 J.R.R. Tolkien's War in Middle Earth (1989) (Atari ST)
 Bazooka Bill (1985) (Commodore 64)
 Gyroscope (1985) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 Inspector Gadget and the Circus of Fear (1987) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
 The Hobbit (1982) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)

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