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Publisher: SNK Corporation

View all games published by SNK Corporation.

Published games between 1979 and 2007.

View games published on Arcade, Microsoft Xbox, MSX, MSX 2, Nintendo Arcade Systems, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo NES, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, SNK Neo-Geo AES, SNK Neo-Geo CD, SNK Neo-Geo MVS, SNK Neo-Geo Pocket, SNK Neo-Geo Pocket Color, Sony Playstation, Sony Playstation 2, Sony PSP


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Most viewed SNK Corporation games:
 Metal Slug 3 (2000)
 Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (1999)
 Double Dragon (1995)
 Vanguard (1981)
 The King of Fighters '97 (1997)
 The King of Fighters '98 - The Slugfest / King of Fighters '98 - dream match never ends (1998)
 Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (1998)
 Garou - Mark of the Wolves (1999)
 Metal Slug 5 (2003)
 The King of Fighters '94 (1994)
 SNK vs. Capcom - SVC Chaos (2003)
 Ikari Warriors (1986)
 King of the Monsters (1991)
 Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits (1993)
 The King of Fighters 2003 (2003)
 Fatal Fury - King of Fighters / Garou Densetsu - shukumei no tatakai (1991)
 The King of Fighters 2000 (2000)
 Art of Fighting (1994)
 Athena (1986)
 The King of Fighters '97 (1997)
 Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (1989)

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