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Developer: Vicious Cycle Software

View all games developed by Vicious Cycle Software.

Developed games between 2002 and 2012.

View games developed for Microsoft Xbox, Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameCube, Sony Playstation 2, Sony PSP, Valve Steam


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Most viewed Vicious Cycle Software games:
 Spy vs. Spy (2005) (Sony Playstation 2)
 Spy vs. Spy (2005) (Microsoft Xbox)
 Robotech: Battlecry (Collector's Edition) (2002) (Microsoft Xbox)
 Robotech: Invasion (2004) (Microsoft Xbox)
 Madagascar 3: The Video Game (2012) (Microsoft Xbox 360)
 Marvel Trading Card Game (2007) (Nintendo DS)
 Robotech: Battlecry (Microsoft Xbox)
 Robotech: Battlecry (Nintendo GameCube)
 Robotech: Battlecry (2002) (Sony Playstation 2)
 Matt Hazard: BBB (2010) (Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade)
 Robotech: Battlecry (Collector's Edition) (2002) (Nintendo GameCube)
 Earth Defense Force: IA (2011) (Microsoft Xbox 360)
 Robotech: Battlecry (Collector's Edition) (2002) (Sony Playstation 2)
 Dead Head Fred (Sony PSP)
 Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (2011) (Valve Steam)
 Marvel Trading Card Game (Sony PSP)
 Robotech: Invasion (2004) (Sony Playstation 2)
 Eat Lead (2009) (Microsoft Xbox 360)

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