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Eat Lead - Microsoft Xbox 360

Publisher:D3  ?              Title ID:445007eb
Developer:Vicious Cycle Software  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:2009              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Shooter              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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Box cover for Eat Lead on the Microsoft Xbox 360.
Banner artwork for Eat Lead.

Matt Hazard was once the ultimate video game action hero delighting millions of fans during the 80s and 90s with his bloody and violent games. However, in the last few years of the console cycle, hes fallen on hard times and has yet to star in a next-gen game. When he finally gets the call hes been waiting for make his official comeback, he finds out hes not the star, but the prey. Matt must defeat the game where the programmers arent playing by the rules. Theyre throwing everything at him in their arsenal from old enemies, to past environments, unfair weapons, and more to make sure he doesnt make it to the last level.

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