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Elevator Action - Nintendo NES

Publisher:Nintendo  ?              No-Intro:Elevator Action
Developer:Taito Corporation  ?              GoodName:Elevator Action
Year:1985              TOSEC:Elevator Action
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari 2600, Commodore 64, MSX, MSX 2, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo Game Boy Color, Sega SG-1000, Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Series: Elevator Action Returns (Arcade)


In game image of Elevator Action on the Nintendo NES.
In Game
Title screen of Elevator Action on the Nintendo NES.
Title Screen
Box cover for Elevator Action on the Nintendo NES.
Box back cover for Elevator Action on the Nintendo NES.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Elevator Action on the Nintendo NES.
Top of cartridge artwork for Elevator Action on the Nintendo NES.
Cartridge Top
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Elevator Action.
Advert for Elevator Action on the Nintendo NES.
(Arcade Version)

The player assumes the role of a spy who infiltrates a building filled with elevators. He must collect secret documents from the building and traverse the 30 levels of the building using an increasingly complex series of elevators. The player is pursued by enemy agents who appear from behind closed doors. The player must outwit them via force or evasion. Successful completion of a level involves collecting all the secret documents and traversing the building from top to bottom. In the lower floors of the building, the elevator systems are so complex that some puzzle-solving skills are needed.

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