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Elevator Action - Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Publisher:Quicksilva Ltd.  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Taito Corporation  ?              GoodName:Elevator Action
Year:1986              TOSEC:Elevator Action
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

Play your favorite classic games and more with the GameEx front end. Read more.

Also on: Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari 2600, Commodore 64, MSX, MSX 2, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo Game Boy Color, Nintendo NES, Sega SG-1000

Series: Elevator Action Returns (Arcade)


In game image of Elevator Action on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
In Game
Title screen of Elevator Action on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Title Screen
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Elevator Action.
Advert for Elevator Action on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

You inch your way down the long dark hall. Just two more doors and your mission is almost complete. Your gun hangs firm in a sweaty grip. It's government issued and has served you well through life-threatening undercover cases. Now, you're both being put to the ultimate test in one of the most heart-pounding, spy-versus-spy action adventures every to jump from the video screen.

You're not just any spy, and this is no ordinary assignment. As super-smart Agent 17, you must penetrate a heavily armed enemy defense headquarters and capture secret government documents. Your break-in won't be easy, and neither will the getaway. Behind every door, enemy agents lie in ambush, ready to take you out. One wrong move and you could end up at the bottom of an elevator shaft! Forget about all those fancy spy gadgets you've seen in the movies. Only your karate prowess, well-planned strategies, and trusty piece will get you through this top-secret mission!

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 Chuckie Egg (1984)
 Batman (1986)
 Airwolf (1984)
 Jet Set Willy (1984)
 Sir Fred (1986)
 Jetpac (1983)
 Ghostbusters (1984)
 007: Licence to Kill (1989)
 Hero Quest (1991)
 Arkanoid (1987)
 Commando (1985)
 Mario Bros. (1987)
 Saboteur II (1987)
 Super Sprint (1987)
 Bomb Jack (1986)
 Game Over (1987)

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