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Virtual Boy Wario Land - Nintendo Virtual Boy

Publisher:Nintendo  ?              No-Intro:Virtual Boy Wario Land
Developer:Nintendo  ?              GoodName:Virtual Boy Wario Land
Year:1995              TOSEC:Virtual Boy Wario Land
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

Play your favorite classic games and more with the GameEx front end. Read more.


In game image of Virtual Boy Wario Land on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
In Game
Title screen of Virtual Boy Wario Land on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
Title Screen
Printed Circuit Board for Virtual Boy Wario Land.
Box cover for Virtual Boy Wario Land on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
Box back cover for Virtual Boy Wario Land on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Virtual Boy Wario Land on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Virtual Boy Wario Land.

Virtual Boy Wario Land TV Commercial:

Yikes!!! Get ready for a devious treasure hunt with the infamous scheming Wario. Capture the shining gold and vast treasures locked deep inside a hidden cave. But, beware of poison ponds, perilous prisons, endless walls and creepy woods! Make a quick change into Sea Dragon Wario, Eagle Wario or Bull Wario and utilize their mighty strengths. Blow away enemy cave defenders with body attacks and power actions. Succeed in this greedy plot to seize the riches of this underground world and find this key to freedom!

Most viewed Nintendo Virtual Boy games:
 Virtual League Baseball (1995)
 3D Tetris (1996)
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 Mario's Tennis (1995)
 Galactic Pinball (1995)
 Red Alarm (1995)
 Panic Bomber
 Teleroboxer (1995)
 Waterworld (1995)
 Nester's Funky Bowling (1996)
 Space Squash (1995)
 V-Tetris (1995)
 Virtual Fishing (1995)
 Vertical Force (1995)
 Insmouse no Yakata (1995)
 T&E Virtual Golf
 Blox (2003)
 Virtual Pong

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