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Virtual League Baseball - Nintendo Virtual Boy

Publisher:Kemco  ?              No-Intro:Virtual League Baseball
Developer:Kemco  ?              GoodName:Virtual League Baseball
Year:1995              TOSEC:Virtual League Baseball
Category:Sports              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

Play your favorite classic games and more with the GameEx front end. Read more.


In game image of Virtual League Baseball on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
In Game
Title screen of Virtual League Baseball on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
Title Screen
Printed Circuit Board for Virtual League Baseball.
Box cover for Virtual League Baseball on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
Box back cover for Virtual League Baseball on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Virtual League Baseball on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Virtual League Baseball.
Advert for Virtual League Baseball on the Nintendo Virtual Boy.

Hey batta batta swing! You're in the virtual big leagues now. Playing 18 teams from around the world. Throwing fast balls, forkballs, sinkers, sliders and changeups. Swinging for the fence, and laying down bunts. Shagging flies. Snagging drives. And tagging out runners. All in bigger-than-life 3D. With single game, all star and pennant race modes. And catch this: it's the only baseball game good enough to play in the virtual boy ball park. So don't drop the ball. Pick up a starting pitcher. Set your DH. And step up to the plate.

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