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Arkanoid - Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Publisher:Imagine Software  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Taito Corporation  ?              GoodName:Arkanoid
Year:1987              TOSEC:Arkanoid
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Arcade, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Microsoft DOS, MSX, MSX 2, Nintendo Game Boy Color, Nintendo NES, Tandy TRS-80 CoCo


In game image of Arkanoid on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
In Game
Title screen of Arkanoid on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Title Screen
Box cover for Arkanoid on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Cartridge artwork for Arkanoid on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Arkanoid.
Advert for Arkanoid on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Game map for Arkanoid on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

Arkanoid is an arcade game developed by Taito in 1986. It expanded upon Atari's Breakout games of the 1970s by adding power-ups, different types of bricks, and a variety of level layouts. The title refers to a doomed "mothership" from which the player's ship, the Vaus, escapes.

The player controls the "Vaus", a space vessel that acts as the game's "paddle" which prevents a ball from falling from the playing field, attempting to bounce it against a number of bricks. The ball striking a brick causes the brick to disappear. When all the bricks are gone, the player goes to the next level, where another pattern of bricks appears. There are a number of variations (bricks that have to be hit multiple times, flying enemy ships, etc.) and power-up capsules to enhance the Vaus (expand the Vaus, multiply the number of balls, equip a laser cannon, break directly to the next level, etc.), but the gameplay remains the same.

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 Ghostbusters (1984)
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 Hero Quest (1991)
 Commando (1985)
 Mario Bros. (1987)
 Saboteur II (1987)
 Super Sprint (1987)
 Bomb Jack (1986)
 Game Over (1987)
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