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Zzoom - Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Publisher:Imagine Software  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Imagine Software  ?              GoodName:Zzoom
Year:1983              TOSEC:Zzoom
Category:Shooter              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:N/A

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In game image of Zzoom on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
In Game
Title screen of Zzoom on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Title Screen
Cartridge artwork for Zzoom on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.
Advert for Zzoom on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

The object of the game is to protect a series of refugees from enemy aircraft, tanks and submarines. The player's view consists of a crosshairs upon a simple ground and sky horizon, with an altimeter, a shield indicator and a radar. Refugees walk along the horizon, and the player must fire his guns and missiles at enemy units to prevent them from killing the refugees. Score is gained by destroying enemy units, and for refugees crossing the screen safely.[3]

However, due to a bug in the score calculation for refugees, should the player not allow any (or very few) refugees to survive a stage he will be rewarded with a bonus far in excess of what would be scored had the refugees been saved.[4] To achieve this the player invariably has to shoot the refugees himself – which although not the point of the game can be just as challenging, as while doing this the enemy will still be launching missiles and shooting at the player.

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